Dream Image Signs ...

Our mission is to keep the main thing, the main thing, and the main thing is people.
There is an old saying, its not personal, it's business. That is bullshit. In everything that is done, it is done by people, individuals, individuals with unique skills, personalities, past experiences, hearts, families, and much more that make up who we are and how we do things. We are proud to bring together a great team of like-minded individuals to serve, using our gift of signage making.
As we serve our customers, we recognize the main thing is less to do with the product and more about service. When that is the goal, when our client's needs come first, building beautiful, high-quality signs and graphics just comes.
Dream Image Signs began in 2005 as a home business created by Roberto Gomez and has grown to become one of the most highly regarded signage companies serving Calgary and surrounding areas.
The dream is not to become the biggest sign company or the most known, or to even make the most money. Money comes and goes, but morality comes and grows.
We are already living the dream, serving each customer to our best. See our customers happy with our product and service.
We are known for the quality of our workmanship and the special treatment we give to each and every one of our clients. A large portion of our client base are returning customers – or as we like to consider them – old friends.