Building Directories and Wayfinding Signs Tell People Where They Are and How to Find You.
What is the wayfinding sign inside the building?
Wayfinding signs are any type of signage that gives a person directions and helps them find their way around a new area. They help keep foot traffic steady and help people get out of a building safely and efficiently in case of an emergency.
Way-finding and directional signs are essential in buildings or structures where users are required to navigate multiple rooms, hallways, or levels.
Way-finding signage can include nameplates, room numbers, unit directories, washroom signs, elevator signs, parkade signs, no-smoking signs, or any other information people using your facilities may need to know.
Signs can be made in a variety of materials, shapes, sizes, and colors to best compliment your facility and stand out where necessary. Signage can also be designed to swap out information easily using slide rails or sign frames.

What are the 4 types of wayfinding signage?
Four types of wayfinding signage
By employing effective wayfinding strategies, designers and facility managers can create user-friendly environments that facilitate smooth and intuitive navigation. There are four types of wayfinding signs: identification, directional, informational, and regulatory.