High-Quality Exterior Signs That Get Noticed and Withstand the Elements
We have been considered by many as Calgary's best sign company. Making signs in Canada means, signs have to be done right.
Calgary has the most sunny days in all of Canada. This means, that if signs in Calgary do not have the proper UV protection, they may not survive a couple of months. Other considerations are our heavy snow and high winds.
This means signs in Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane, Strathmore, and all over Alberta need to be securely fastened to stand up to the worst Alberta weather can throw at it.
Fascia signage is any type of signage, whether acrylic or aluminum, that is used to identify a commercial storefront.
This can include the lightbox sign above your front door, the multiplex roadside pylon tower, or signage mounted to the exterior walls of a building. It can be lit from in front, behind, or not at all. Fascia signage is not only required for many businesses in their lease agreement but is also an impactful way of advertising to the immediate traffic.
Fascia signage is not only required for many businesses in their lease agreement but is also an impactful way of advertising to the immediate traffic.