Large format notice posting signs proposed land use signage building permit printing billboard
Dream Image Signs is familiar with working with the City of Calgary for customers to comply with the permitting processes of their projects.  The main objective for these signage is not marketing and selling as many of our signage is for, but to inform the public to construction projects and land use.  Therefore, built quality and timing are most important.  Below is a customer guide that we use that is provided by the City of Calgary.    Customer’s Guide to Posting Large Format Notices
Large format notices are posted by the customer to let citizens know about a proposed development.
The purpose of this Customer’s Guide to Posting Large Format Notices (Guide) is to provide instructions to customers when a large format notice is required. The City of Calgary has developed a Notice Posting Size Guideline to inform customers when a large format notice will be required for a Land Use Amendment or Development Permit application. The Notice Posting Size Guideline can be found
here: This document includes:
Notice Posting Standards

Proof of Large Format Notice Posting Form

Appendix A: Customer’s Guide to Posting Large Format Notices – Sample Postings
Notice Posting Standards
For a Development Permit (DP) a large format notice shall be posted in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw.
In the case of a proposed Land Use Amendment (LOC), a large format notice will be posted shortly after the application is made to advise citizens of the opportunity to comment on a proposed application. A second large format notice is required after Calgary Planning Commission to advise citizens of the Council Public Hearing.
When a large posting is required, the customer will receive an email from the Corporate Planning Applications Group (CPAG) Circulation team that includes: a pdf of the notice to be printed, the Customer’s Guide to Posting Large Format Notices, and site specific posting instructions, such as the number of notices to post and locations to place the notice(s).

Notice printing requirements
The digital file provided by The City must be printed to: 121.92cm. x 243.84cm (four feet by eight feet).

Notices shall be printed in a landscape format.

The digital file provided shall not be modified. No additional details (e.g. customer contact information, map additions) shall be added to the notice.

The digital file provided is for the sole use by the customer for printing and posting the notice as required in these notice posting standards. The digital file and notice shall not be manipulated or used for any other purpose.

Notice posting requirements
Location of notice(s): The City will email the customer instructions on where to post a large format notice. The location(s) of notice(s) will be identified in the email the customer receives. If site constraints hinder the posting of the notice in the specified location please contact The City’s file manager to identify an acceptable alternate location.

The notice must be posted in conformance with Land Use Bylaw (1P2007). The notice shall not be placed within the “corner visibility triangle”, defined in Land Use Bylaw (1P2007) as, “a triangular area formed on a corner parcel by the two curb lines and a straight line which intersects them 7.5 metres from the corner where they meet.”

A notice must be posted within three metres of the property line. Alternate posting location(s) may be approved by The City’s file manager when a development is not located in close proximity to a pedestrian corridor or road. The customer is to contact The City’s file manager if additional discussion is needed regarding the sign location that was identified.

Notices should generally be posted as follows:
a. Facing pedestrian corridors, but not on sidewalks or walkways.
b. Facing main roads when available (not on side streets), but not in a road right of way. c. When possible, in a location where parked vehicles will not impede visibility.

Number of notices required: The email The City sends to the customer will identify the number of notices to be posted.

Mounting: A notice must be mounted in a way that is resistant to wind events. If mounted on a frame, the frame must be secured in a way that the notice will not blow over. It is the responsibility of the customer to arrange any necessary utility locates prior to installing. The frame must not be secured by drilling into hard surfaces on public right-of-ways. Please refer to Appendix A for samples of acceptable notice frame and mounting options.

Weatherproof: All notices must be weatherproof and made of durable material (e.g. crezone).

Maintenance: The customer is responsible for ensuring the notice is maintained while the notice is posted. This maintenance could include, replacement if the notice is defaced, and ensuring the notice is free of snow and dirt. It is also the responsibility of the customer to ensure the notice frame remains in an upright position, visible to the public. If for whatever reason the notice is knocked over, the customer must immediately make arrangements to return the notice to the position shown in the photo submitted to The City of Calgary.

Notices should be posted within five (5) business days of the customer receiving the pdf of the notice and the Customer’s Guide to Posting Large Format Notices.

Proof of posting: Proof of posting must be received by on the fifth business day after the customer receives the request to post the notice. Proof of posting includes:
A signed Proof of Large Format Notice Posting form stating the notice(s) is posted in accordance with these posting standards. The Proof of Posting form can be found on page 4 of these Guidelines.

A photo of the notice(s) posted on site in accordance with these posting standards; and

A map identifying the where the notice(s) are posted. The map can be a print out from
the internet with an ‘x’ marking the notice location.

Sign removal:
Land Use Amendment (LOC files):
The initial notice (green notice) is to remain on-site in accordance with this Guide until the notice of the public hearing (black notice) is posted.

The notice of public hearing must be removed within fifteen (15) days of the Council Public Hearing

Development Permit (DP) notices: The notice(s) must be removed within fifteen (15) days of a decision for the Development Permit.

Failure to post: Failure to post the required notice(s) according to these posting standards may result in a delay in a Development Permit decision, or Council Public Hearing for a Land Use Amendment.

[/caption] Land Use Notices Sign Size requirements City of Calgary
Dream Image Signs is familiar with working with the City of Calgary for customers to comply with the permitting processes of their projects.  The main objective for these signage is not marketing and selling as many of our signage is for, but to inform the public to construction projects and land use.  Therefore, built quality and timing are most important.  Below is a customer guide that we use that is provided by the City of Calgary.    In addition here is a link to City of Calgary sign size requirements